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Reading Seeds Essay Writing Class!
​​영어 글쓰기 클럽
월 4회 주제 글쓰기 및 라이브 피드백모임

Reading, Essay Writing, Discussion

​​읽기, 에세이쓰기, 토론

We want you to succeed. Develop your habit of reading, of writing and discussing, and watch your academics improve!

​​영어책읽기 습관을 통해 영어실력을 키우세요.

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Students Typing at Their Computer

This is our essay program to help you succeed.

​​프로그램 안내

You are ready to upgrade your English writing skills to the next level to prepare for school, or career. Your hard work, and our great coaching support you.


Student Writing

We are here to support your learning.

매달 초에 4가지 다양한 주제가 구글클래스룸에 업로드 됩니다.

​시사, 역사, 개인적인 취향,  사회문제에 대한 조사등 다양한 방법으로 글을 쓰는 법을 배우고, 원어민 선생님과 함께 피드백 하는 시간도 갖습니다. 


Study from the comfort and safety of your home. Participate in interesting, live discussions using your critical thinking skills. 

Reading Levels

수업 레벨

Level 1 / 레벨 1

400 Word Vocabulary

Level 2 / 레벨 2

700 Word Vocabulary

Level 3 / 레벨 3

1000 Word Vocabulary

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